
This page covers the installation of DipDup in different environments.

Host requirements

A Linux/macOS environment with Python 3.12 installed is required to use DipDup. Also, you need a basic Python environment for the install script, python3.12 -m ensurepip. Apple silicon is supported. Other UNIX-like systems should work but are not supported officially. If you use Windows, please use WSL or Docker.

Minimum hardware requirements are 256 MB RAM, 1 CPU core, and some disk space for the database. RAM requirements increase with the number of indexes.

Local installation

As a CLI application

The easiest way to install DipDup is to use our interactive installer script. It will ask you a few questions and install DipDup with all dependencies. Run the following command in your terminal:

curl -Lsf | python3.12

That's it! DipDup is installed as a CLI application and is available everywhere in a system. Now you can run dipdup new to spawn a new project from lots of ready-to-use templates and proceed to the next section: Core concepts

This script performs some basic checks, installs pipx for the current user, and then installs DipDup with pipx. But it's always better to read the code before running it. To do so, curl -Lsf | tee /tmp/, review the script, then run it with python3 /tmp/ to proceed.

As a library

DipDup projects use either PDM or Poetry to manage dependencies and virtual environments (chosen during project creation). See the pyproject.toml file in the project root for details and for instructions.

If you want to start from the empty directory, you can use the following commands:

pdm init --python 3.12 --lib  # use "">=3.12,<3.13" for requires-python
pdm venv create
pdm add "dipdup>=8,<9" --venv
$(pdm venv activate)

# Poetry
poetry init --python ">=3.12,<3.13"
poetry add "dipdup>=8,<9"
poetry shell

# pip
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
echo "dipdup>=8,<9" >> requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt -e .


For Docker installation, please refer to the Docker page.

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